i t z i e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m


I've been having a little bit of trouble with too much information lately. Take this weekend for example. I spent Saturday gardening with Mrs-Roboto. We were out getting doggie treats for Desmond to calm him down a bit while everyone was working, so we went to a little doggie store. I commented on how stores like that place almost made me want to have a dog. This is a pretty big-deal kind of thing for me to say. I usually hate dogs. I hate most dogs anyway. They make your hands smell bad after you pet them, you have to walk them, and you have to pick up their poo with only a plastic bag between you and the steaming turds. Pretty gross right? We had cats and dogs when I was growing up. The cats burried their poo, sometimes they'd go on walks with me, just like the dogs, they were affectionate but not in that stupid pathetic lovemelovemeloveme way that our dogs were. Furthermore, once we got a dog, I couldn't go outside barefoot anymore and I had to pick my way through the yard very carefully. My mom did not pick up the dog turds. I was going along telling this story to the lovely ladies at the dog store and Mrs. Roboto, when I got to one of the real kickers about why I hated our dogs when I was growing up. Our dog once came into my room and pooped on my bed while I was sleeping in it. Is that disgusting or what? GOD I hated that dog. She did her business in my room one other time too. I had to keep my door closed after that. But anyway, this was just obviously too much information. The kind young ladies at the store were just kind of like "....... OK! Well have a great day!" I could just tell that they were politely waiting for us to leave so that they could laugh at me. Sometimes, when I have incidents like these, I feel so socially inept. It's like I'm autistic or something and I haven't learned the rules of society. There are just some things you do not talk about. I mean really, what's someone supposed to say to that?

The p-patch is looking lovely, and so are the tulips! I highly recommend that if you are in the area, you go take a look!

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