i t z i e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

Moot Moot Moot // 2003-04-09

I am sleep depraved. No, I don't mean deprived.

Some highlights of the day: My tulips are up now - most of them. This means that the tulips up north are probably up or almost up. This means that I should plan to go up there this weekend or next! It is imperative to visit the tulip fields if you live anywhere nearby. It's gorgeous. But back to my tulips - I got them in a bag of 100 "random" tulips and I got that one bag of red riding hood tulips. I knew what the riding hood ones would be like, but I was very excited to find out what I'd gotten in the grab bag. It turns out that so far, all of the grab bag tulips are red and yellow. Some of them are yellow with tiny red flecks, a few are just plain yellow. The red ones seem to be in four different varieties so far - 1. Plain Red. 2. Red with darker red paint splash up the middle of each petal 3. Red out the outter part of the petals and more of a peachy yellow in the middle - these are surprisingly pretty and 4. Red with yellow paint splash up the middle of each petal (only one of these so far). They are SO pretty and I am SO proud of them!

I hate all of my work clothes. I can't find any dress-up clothes that I LIKE - all the "work appropriate" clothes I can find are... old fuddy duddy old lady numbers. YUCK! I hate getting dressed in the morning.

Sometimes I think about moving off of Capitol Hill. I have this feeling that there would be more people I'd get along with in other neighborhoods. Ok, what I really mean is I think that I'd meet more straight men in other neighborhoods. But then again, I don't meet many people just because of where they live - more or less, I meet people through friends of friends etc. But still, the thought presents itself now and then. But I do love this neighborhood. It's so close to EVERYTHING. Except to where I work, of course. But I wouldn't want to live close to where I work, so that's a moot point.

Moot is a cool word, don't you think?

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