i t z i e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

Spring has Sprung // 2003-03-31

This weekend was perfectly glorious. There is no other way to describe it. Once again, we were reminded of how perfect this town is and why the hell did we ever even consider leaving?

Saturday was warm. I even wore a t-shirt. I spent the whole morning gardening. I went down to the p-patch and pulled up the weeds and double-dug the cover crop. The tulips are all budded and you can see what color they're probably going to be. I can't wait until they open! The strawberries are starting to spread all over. I'm not sure how our strawberry crop will do this year since we transplanted them all last fall. I pulled up our over-wintered beets - YUM! The onions are still in - I hope that they'll get big. I can't wait to start planting! I'm kind of in charge of the spot this year since the house has gone through such a change. I plan to get the place started and then get the housemates to help maintain it and to eat the vegetables that we grow. And mmmm... it was so nice and warm and sunny and gorgeous. We even saw some eagles flying overhead - soaring up up up... they looked like they were having fun too. I guess the salmon must be running or something - the eagles only seem to come out when there's food to be had.

Saturday night I spent the evening with John. We did the usual dinner/movie thing. We went to see "Bend it Like Beckham" which was really good. The whole audience laughed quite often.

Sunday morning, I went over to Mrs. & Mr. R's house to check out gardening potentials. I've always wanted to do some landscaping, but I've never had my own yard to do it in. So Mr. & Mrs. R are going to be my guinea pigs! I have done a bit of hit-or-miss experimentation in the P-patch, but there are some serious space limitations - as well as the fact that a tree wouldn't go over so well with the next door plot as it would shade everything a bit too much. So this should be interesting! I hope I don't mess up. I guess you can't really mess up landscaping - if there are plants there and they live, you have at least a marginal success. And besides, if you pick the right plants, they're going to be gorgeous period.

I also went back to the p-patch to see if the tulips had opened any more since yesterday. They hadn't.

And Sunday evening was of course, the candle light vigil.

Also, on Saturday, John helped me find my beloved cinnamint toothpaste. I bought six tubes of it. And then I went to my usual grocery store - and they had it! I couldn't believe it. I've looked there the last two times that I wanted to buy Cinnamint, but it wasn't there. And I'd looked twice this week. Oh well. Their loss for not stocking enough of it, I guess.

And today I went to work.

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