i t z i e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

Go West Young Man // 2003-04-01

I already did an entry about what happened recently. Go back to the previous entry if you're interested.

Ok, so a little while back I got that whole "gold" membership thingy. But finally, tonight, I got around to hooking up the old scanner and scanning in some photos I've taken over the last year or so. I've been meaning to scan these in for a long time, but never got around to it before. Tonight I present to you a gallery I shall call "Go West Young Man" in my shameless attempt to sway AB's scales in favor of Seattle. Also, I'm showing off my photography. I'm probably going to pull down this entry after a little while along with most of the images, so enjoy them today!

I've printed this photo in class so many times at the request of so many people that I've gotten a bit sick of it. But I guess it's good or something because people keep asking for it.

This is where BookstoreBoy2 and Elisabeth lived over the summer. They invited Lauren and I up to take photos around their little ghost town mountain home. This is a weird fire hydrant in the middle of a field about 20 miles from the nearest official road.

Now, lest you think that it's all grey out here simply because I do my photography in black and white, I shall now include some color photos. I do black and white because I can develop it myself.

This is the most gorgeous floral display I have ever seen. Apparently, just north of Seattle, there are tulip farms in one particular valley. As far as you can see - tulips. Every year, in late April, I try to get up there and see the tulips. I LOVE tulips - I was never a big fan of them before I moved here, either.

Oh look! It's me. You aren't going to see many photos of me in here, so enjoy this while it lasts. This was taken before I cut off 14 inches or so of hair.

My cousin Becky hiking up Mt. Rainier with me this past June.

Here's Abby biking somewhere on the Burke Gillman trail last spring. The amazing thing was that neither of us were holding on to our handle bars - I was focusing and aiming my camera and she was... well, you can see for yourself.

And there you have it.

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