i t z i e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

I am a consumer whore - and how! // 2003-03-17

News flashes:

Abby got into Harvard.

Bookstore boy (now super-penpal-friend)is in town - this week only - and it sounds like he's packing up his stuff in storage and moving away forever. I'm going to try to visit with him, but I already have plans every single night this week and weekend.

I became a consumer whore tonight and bought three CD's. Totally decadent.

Chris and I have made plans for summer camping/hiking.

Rideshare boy forgot about me entirely this morning, so once I realized he wasn't on his way, I biked down into the bowels of downtown and into the tunnel. Tonight, I biked back up Capitol Hill, but I was dying once I got to the top.

Now it is late and to bed I must go. Sorry for the short, choppy entry, but you know how it is. At least I wrote this time.

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