i t z i e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

A moment of genius, a moment of humility // 2003-03-16

Ok, everyone... I am going to now admit to you all just how big of a nerd I am. I have "geek" tattooed on my forehead. I have "dweeb" embroidered into all of my undies.

I am a member of the internet Scrabble club. I allow myself about one game a day due to my sometimes-addictive personality. This all started thanks to Amishboy. When he challenged me to a game of on-line Scrabble, I went searching for a place to play Scrabble on-line and discovered this internet scrabble club: here. I couldn't figure out how to make it go in time for our game, but later when I had more time, I went back and got hooked. So that's the background for you. And here's what happened today: I played the best god damned Scrabble game of my life! I got THREE bingoes in a row (a bingo is when you use all 7 letters on your board AND it gives you a 50point bonus) and I scored 80 some points on aquae/laze (sharing the E on the triple word). I scored 522 points by the near-end. But then the person I was playing against quit. She thought I was cheating and put me on her "ignore" list. The game wasn't over yet, so I don't know how many more points I might have gotten... but anyway, it made me really sad because she wasn't there to see that I WASN'T cheating. 522 is a fucking amazing score. I can't BELIEVE I scored that high. So I had the best game of my life (probably ever - I can't see ever scoring that well again) and no one was around to share it with me or see that I wasn't cheating. It was totally pathetic. I think I'm going to stick to live Scrabble from now on.

But otherwise, today, Abby and I went to Serena's for brunch. Plenty of wonderful people were there. Somehow, we got to talking about playing poker - so in a few weeks, we're getting together to play poker in full regalia. I'm going to try to find a feather boa for the occasion. Some of the others are doing the whole bola/bowtie/suspenders/pencil mustache thing. I'll let you know how it goes. I'm bound to lose my whole $2 - I suck at poker - but it should be a great time none-the-less.

Abby and I also went practicing driving her stickshift. It was MUCH easier this time. I can even do the whole parking-break-on-steep-hill thing. I never had to do that in my old Rabbit (Sexy Kate) - even when I drove across the Rockies - so I never learned before. I guess that was a good thing, because my parking break in Sexy Kate wasn't worth shit.

So, tomorrow, back to the grind. Whee!

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