i t z i e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

We deliver // 2003-03-16

Glorious warm sunny spring day! I worked in the P-patch garden all morning, and this afternoon, I made myself a complicated little window box that I pray to God doesn't fall out and kill someone. It was so nice and warm, I didn't even need my light jacket. I'm a happy happy girl today.

This evening, we had a fondue party for Jessica's going away ("Because I'm so fond of all of you"). We played "Celebrity." It was a wonderful night. And I didn't mind that the only male in the house the whole time was RePete. Bryn even showed up! Bryn was our downstairs housemate for a good long time while Jessica was living here. Bryn is very hard to read. She has a million bajillion friends, and when she shines on you, you feel completely blessed. However, she doesn't always shine down on you and it's hard to tell if she really likes you or if she's just being a social butterfly. She's one of the most gorgeous women I have ever met, and she knows how to have a good time. She could make a tupperware party fun. I hadn't seen her since Pete (the first)'s wedding in August. Anyway, we actually had a really nice conversation, and I was quite glad to see her. I'd intentionally stopped hanging out with her a while ago because she always made me feel insecure (there were a LOT of awkward moments whenever I hung out with her), but now I could totally see hanging out with her again (in small doses).

Next weekend looks to be a major party weekend. Trevor is having some sort of party and just about everyone who was there tonight should be going (Bryn too), as well as the old crowd I used to hang out with a year or two back. Trevor's parties tend to be primarily female as well - he just has tons of female friends. (confidential to the single men who read this journal - if you're looking for a girlfriend, Seattle is probably the place to be - there's just a dearth of single straight men out here) The only guys who ever show up are those Green Party people and other social activists. We had a party once where quite a few of the staff of The Stranger and almost the entire city council (Dawn Mason, Nick Licata, Judy Nicastro, Heidi Wills) all showed up. That was really something else. Our house once was an epicenter for the Green Party (we had two of the main organizers living in our house, Trevor being one of them). I'm sure that our house was tapped back in those days - no, I'm not just paranoid. One of my housemates was QUITE involved in all kinds of... subversive behavior. ANYWAY... parties next weekend abound! I'm going to three! And then all day Sunday I'll be moving stuff around. If anyone wants to help move furniture or is interested in 4 futon mattresses, one futon frame, or a fold-out sofabed couch thingy, just let me know! We deliver!

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