i t z i e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

A bit about my addiction // 2003-03-15

A lyrical moment, apologies to Jim Infantino aka Jim's Big Ego:

I'm trying to cut down on my caffeine consumption,

so when I get up I just have ONE cup of coffee,

And I like to have another cup of coffee with my breakfast,

And on the way to work I like to get a cup of coffee,

Like the kind of cup of coffee you get with a donut,

Except I never get a donut, I just have a cup of coffee,

And when I get to work I like to have a coffee,

'cause I like to have a coffee when I'm talking on the phone,

But it usually grows cold and I need to get another cup of coffee,

And then it's lunch and I have an espresso.

But when I get back, it's not morning anymore,

So I have a diet cola, and another diet cola,

And then I'm feeling pretty fine and I'm feeling pretty wide and I'm getting things done,

But right about two, I get this little tiny migraine,

It starts in the back of my eyes and moves to the back of my neck and then to the bottom of my spine,

But it doesn't get there until 5 or 6 o'clock, which is the end of the day, so I'm fine...

Except when I have to work late.

And I have to work late, like I usually do.

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