i t z i e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

Sense Insensibility // 2003-03-11

It's my 100th entry! Hooray!

And to think that about a week ago, I was thinking that I'd quit at my 100th. I changed my mind, by they way.

If anyone out there happens to be on friendster (or wants to join and add me as a 'friend'), just contact me. Good ol' PF signed me up yesterday and already someone has written me and asked for knitting lessons. Yay for making new friends!

Major altercation with the housemates over the phone this evening. COR! Moving is so tempting... but calls for so much effort.

I had the most charming time in the good company of a young woman from the next manor over this evening. She makes the most delectable chowder, I must say. I do so enjoy her companionship. It was a most enchanting evening, indeed. We garnered much amusement from the screen adaptation of the most splendid Jane Austen's "Sense and Sensibility." Miss Dirt Girl makes for the most delightful company.

Were that courtship were as clear cut as it was in Ms. Austen's day!

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