i t z i e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

Sexy Kate // 2003-03-09

Well, it's been another quiet weekend on diaryland - no one updating but me, as usual.

I played Scrabble again today and I scored 425 - beating my best score ever (which I scored last night) by one point.

The worst thing about cleaning my room is that I keep running across memorabilia from my relationship with John. Oh, here's the ticket stub from the time we went to see Seven Samurai. Oh, here's the goldfish that came in my drink when we went out for dinner at the Mexican place in West Seattle. Oh, here's the postcard advertising that concert we went to. Here's the cup he used to keep his water in - he was always so thirsty. And so on.

Abby and I went for a test drive in her car today. It's going to take some getting used to. I had scoffed at the idea that I was going to have to practice driving stick shift, but I have been humbled. Her car is NOTHING like my old one. I miss Sexy Kate a lot. I wouldn't mind getting another Sexy Kate someday.

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