i t z i e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

Friday, March 7, 2003 // 2003-03-08

Total diary dweeb that I am, I'm going to update this thing on a Friday night at 1AM.

Today the rain came down in big frozen white chunks instead of the usual droplet form. It's not like it did anything different than usual when it hit the ground, though - at least where I was. The roof at work leaks.

I went out with RDG and "Rachel" and "Loud Bob" tonight. I was told that "Loud Bob" probably knew I kept a diary too, which was weird - to know that someone you don't know so well may (or may not) be reading about your life. What goes around comes around, I guess. Anyhow, we got to see Loud Bob's new swank pad. It looks like he's into feng shui or something. He has a great place to grow orchids. I think my room is too cold for mine.

After the mini house-warming party, we were off to another party. I liked the second party quite a bit because it wasn't overtly hip, and a lot of the women there looked like me - I didn't feel horrendously underdressed as usual. On the other hand, it seemed like everyone there was married. And it was also the first party I've ever been to where there were actual children of the partiers present. There was an infant and a 10-ish year old girl, and another bun in the oven. Another sign that I'm getting old.

I remember when my parents used to take me to parties like this one. I was always the oldest child of all my parents' friends' kids. I guess my parents were fairly young when they had me. I would be told to go play video games or read a book or something in one of the back rooms. I always enjoyed it, though. That, and watching over my parents shoulders as they played card games or trivial pursuit (and being able to answer questions that they didn't know - I've always been a bit of an egg-head).

There was a REALLY hot guy at this party. As soon as I saw him talking with people I knew, I wedged myself into the circle, but I never actually got to talk to him or find out his name. He was probably taken too, but unlike 90% of the other guys there, he didn't have a wedding ring on. Later, I totally looked right at him about three times. I think he caught me looking once. I was too chicken to go talk to him, though. I sort of ran out of the party when I smelled natural gas - the smell of propane, or whatever that stuff is, always freaks me out.

The End.

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