i t z i e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

Bed Bed Bed Bed Bed Bed // 2003-03-23

Today I wore a bra that had been burried deep in my undies drawer next to a lavendar sachet. I love lavendar. I could have sniffed my boobs all day. I didn't, though. I'm pretty sure that would have looked weird.

Jessica and I moved furniture all day long. She was getting rid of everything of hers and dropping stuff off at various friends' houses. I was getting rid of the three futon mattresses that I have been using as a "bed" and we got rid of the yucky futon couch in the living room and replaced it with Jessica's futon sofa which is in much better shape. She actually pilfered it from our house when she moved out. It used to belong to Emilie. I was looking around our living room and realizing that every piece of furniture came from a different house member. There was something from everyone in there - Trevor's coffee table, Stephen's rocking chair, Jessica's shelf, Emilie's armchair, Amy's trunk, Quita's sofa, Abby's sofa, Renee's plants, Becca's desk, my lamp (actually, I guess Ryan and Michelle never left anything behind). Even the futons I was getting rid of had all belonged to various people throughout the years - I had one from the first house I lived in, which belonged to Ruth, one from Pete the first, and one from Jessica. That sort of describes my life in Seattle - just a hodge-podge of this and that from here and there. I always thought that I'd be moving out of here sometime, which was why I never bought a bed. My first two years, I was too poor. My second two years, I was certain that I'd be leaving for the Peace Corps or the East Coast sometime shortly. So... finally, I'm settling down. I bought a bed. Somehow, a bed to me just seems like such a permanent piece of furniture. It's been 4.5 years, and I am JUST NOW buying a bed. It's really comfy too. And very very high. It kind of looks a little weird to me because it is so high up. I'm going to have to purchase one of those silly bed ruffles because the box spring is so prominent. I might also have to get another comforter because mine is actually intended for a twin - which didn't look so bad on those futons, but on this bed... it just looks ... off.

And now that bed is calling me. Whee! I get to sleep in a REAL bed!!! Why the hell didn't I do this earlier?

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