i t z i e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

State of the Union // 2003-03-20

I really don't have faith in government anymore. It seems like in both local and national government, they don't bother being accountable to the people. I really don't believe that most people wanted to go to war, yet, here we are at war. Governor Bush has acted with impunity. On a local level (and not quite so serious, but still) there have been several annoying things that they've completely ignored - we voted against being taxed for a new stadium and told both our sports teams that they could shove it and we weren't going to build them a damn thing, yet the city taxed us and built one anyway. We've had to vote yes on the monorail three times since I've lived here, and I think once before I came here, and yet it still isn't built and only until recently, the government was planning on building a completely different system all together. Yeah, neither of these are as serious as going to war, but my POINT is that I am starting to feel like the government on all levels has decided to ignore the people and simply do what they please. Is it because they have some cronies who will be making money off of these government ventures? Is there something crooked going on? Or have they just decided that we, the people don't know what's best for us? It is almost as if 'de facto' they have gone back to the old 18th century form of government where only the votes of rich, land-owning, white men counted.

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