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Mental Case and Shooting Rampage. // 2002-10-31

I had one of those days at work where I just did NOT want to do my job. Period. I couldn't bring myself to do anything but the bare minimum. Then I realized I was mostly just PMSing. I don't get pains, I just get judgemental and frustrated.

I spent my lunch looking at different vacation possibilities. I have three weeks of vacation I am going to need to use up sometime soon - but not much money and nowhere interesting to go. Suggestions are welcome.

I also looked at the Peace Corps and various graduate programs that they have. I'm thinking about reviving my Peace Corps application process. Maybe.

Photo class was good tonight, but I'm pretty much done with all the negatives I have developed. I need to develop some more negatives before next Thursday. This means I have to go on a shooting rampage to finish up various rolls in various cameras. Hmm. Shooting rampage sounds bad, doesn't it?

Oh, and I was only almost killed once this afternoon on the way home by someone making a U-turn without looking where they were U-turning into.

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