i t z i e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

Johnny Cash covers Nine Inch Nails // 2002-11-24

I've had a lovely weekend. I'm going to do one of those 'litany of what I did this weekend' entries, so either deal with it or move on.

I went to Seven (hours of) Samurai with the boy on Friday. It turned out to be really good. It wasn't such a geek boy movie after all. It was also quite funny in parts - partially intentional and partly not-so-intentional. The translation added to the unintentional humor in some places such as where one of the Samurai says "Those guys cramp my style." And though it was three and a half hours long, it was well worth it.

On Saturday morning, the boy and I had breakfast at the most diner-y diner I've ever been to in Seattle. There were lots of old men smoking and calling the waitresses "sweetheart" and cheap artery clogging breakfast foods. The four old men at the table next to us played a lengthy pinball game after they finished breakfast. They were like little teenage boys - it was so cute. I was cheering on the chubby Santa Claus looking one in suspenders and a flannel shirt. He was truly the underdog and didn't fare too well in the game. Alas!

Then, the boy took me to "SuperMall" which is somewhere in the outlying reaches of Seattle. I'm not that into malls in the first place and this one was even less interesting to me than most. It did have a lot of outlet stores, but otherwise, it was a mall. There were lots of pregnant women and ugly children. That's really the best way to describe it. There was a "play area" with lots of screaming children playing on giant ceramic models of breakfast food.

I went to RDG's friend's cover band thing last night. It was so nice to be hangning out with a different group of people. I think that I've just really needed to meet some new people lately. I think my little circle of friends is full of really great people, but I do need to be around straight people and men a bit more often. I even got to talk to an actual male for a good half hour or so. The band did actually sound like U2 and though it was crowded and smokey, I enjoyed myself. I also almost got to witness my very first bar brawl. The guy was subdued, though, before any "excitement" could happen.

I got the new Johnny Cash album. I can't believe he covered Depeche Mode. And Nine Inch Nails. And Johnny Fruciante (formerly of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers) and Fiona Apple star on the album too.

Today has been pretty quiet. Tomorrow, I volunteer. I can already tell that I'm not going to be ready for work on Wednesday, but... I will make it somehow. Terry, my boss, won't be there most of the time I'm working, so I will be super busy and also, I won't have to deal with any of the crap. So I should be ok.

Must Run! Bus to catch!

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