i t z i e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

PIE! // 2002-11-22

I made pie. It is good. Good pie! Yes, I ate a piece. Becca will also eat a piece. Deb (downstairs housemate) will eat a piece. Will RDG eat a piece? If she would like. Pie.

The boy is taking me to see Seven Samurai. I am a little bit dubious. It sounds like a geek-boy movie. Tomorrow, The Boy will fly away for a week.

I haven't gotten anything productive done this week. I feel bad when I don't do "productive" things. My work productivity isn't a problem, but my home productivity sure is.

Ok, I feel bad about this morning's rant. Becca got two responses from, yes, more lesbians - BUT one of them is Quita who is in my photogrpahy class and is pretty cool. So I don't feel too bad about that. SO at least if I'm going to live with yet ANOTHER lesbian, it will be her. And I think that RDG's friend is still considering.

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