i t z i e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

Republicans: Stupid or Satan-Spawn? // 2002-11-05

Ok, so my diary went all wonky and decided to delete various things including my guest book. It all seems to be working now.

So I have joined the dark side. I now have a *gasp* broadband connection. No more tying up the phone lines. I'm afraid of myself with this wireless connection. I'm afraid I will spend too much time on the internet. It's worrying.

I feel like such a dweeb.

Today was my last workday! I was in a great mood all day! Now I have SEVEN days off!

I voted. I have been obnoxiously reminding anyone who gets within 20 yards of me to vote. I'm almost feeling sick about this election. I'm very worried. I should definitely consider moving to Canada. I just can't take these fucking Republicans. Are they all idiots or just plain Satan-spawn?

So anyway, lots of random stuff going on ... nothing very exciting though. I did talk to Garret last night. I may be visiting him in Texas in January. Ben might be visiting me in January. I still haven't picked an appropriate vacation to take. I don't want to wait until I find a new job because then I'll just get the money - no time off.

I'm going to have to think of something really exciting to do this week. That's my goal. I will do something fun and momentous this week.

And I won't read the papers.

And I won't hide under my bed as much as I want to.

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