i t z i e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

I don't make enough to matter - budget-wise // 2002-12-13

I woke up an hour and a half late yesterday despite the 4 alarm clocks. I was in a bit of a hurry on my way to work and I was about two blocks away when I realized that I'd forgotten my helmet. Like hell I was going to go back and get it. But no worries - I never have near-biking-death experiences in the mornings because almost no one is on the road that early. HA! But I was late! So I nearly ran over a man and his two dogs as they stepped out from between two cars in the middle of a block. I skidded across the wet leaves and managed to stop an inch or so away from the poor beasts. Oh yes, and by the way, it was pissing rain. And then I almost got run over by someone coming out of a driveway, but it was my fault. So on the way home, I decided I would definitely not be biking without my helmet. That required me to wait in the pissing-down rain for a good twenty minutes for a quick little 15 minute bus ride. It serves me right for being late, I guess.

The Boy took me to the craft store so I could get supplies for some gifts I am making. While we waited in the line he turned to me and asked "Do you think that they have duct tape here?" The people on either side of us in line snickered. Duct tape is the anti-craft! It's what you use if you're not crafty! That boy and I are so different. I've embarassed him at sporting events - such as the time he took me to my very first football game ever - by asking him if the 49ers were football or baseball? And what's a "down" exactly?

And the adventures today at work were something else! A sewage main collapsed outside of our building last night, so the sewage from the whole hospital and everything above it on the hill backed into the basement. You couldn't flush toilets. No one was to use the water. We had to go across the street to use the bathroom. Now, normally, I only need to go maybe once a day, but nothing gets my bladder flowing like being told that I can't go. I've never had to pee so much in one day in my entire life. Furthermore, raw sewage was seeping down the street past our office door. So, I decided not to go outside anymore which requires me to walk around the U of the outerbuildings twice, up a set of stairs, across a skybridge and around another U of a building. This is essentially walking five blocks back and forth between the hospital and the office. My legs HURT.

Our department is probably going to lose a few employees. My boss and I were talking about it today. I don't have a family to support or anything and I certainly don't plan to work there for a hell of a lot longer, so I encouraged her to lay me off so I could get paid for hanging out at home. She sadly informed me that she wouldn't save much money by laying me off. I make too little. I find that both heartening and upsetting at the same time.

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