i t z i e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

Think Happy Thoughts // 2002-11-27

Today it was something-awful busy at work. Everyone wants their relatives home or in a more home-like setting for the holidays, so we were discharging patients like nobody's business. I was starting to get irritated with them by the end of the day and I began to think un-PC thoughts about the elderly and sick people in general. Well, it was more about the morbidly obese people and dumb-asses who treat their bodies like shit and then end up in the hospital. I was so busy that my resolution to walk the stairs had to be tossed out the window. There was no way I had time to monkey around with the stairs.

That link was thrown in there for the fun of it. It has no purpose, but I hope you enjoyed clicking on it.

The news today was very upsetting. Not so many scientific/ecological impact studies before hacking down our national forests. Henry Kissinger was appointed to spearhead some 9/11 investigation (I'm going to run out and see The Trials of Henry Kissinger as soon as it starts showing here, and I encourage you to do the same. Especially now. Especially after reading this and knowing that he's been appointed to another foreign-affairs type position). And I forget what else. There's so much bad news. I remember that there were four headlines today on the front pages of our two newspapers that made me bristle. I'm getting jaded enough that I'm not even going to bother to look them up and complain about them. Instead, I'm going to sit here for a moment and feel helpless.

And ponder conspiracies. Maybe I live in a bubble, but doesn't it seem to you that everyone you know is against everything Bush and Bush-policy? (Oh yes, someone called him a moron, which he is, and was asked to step down from their government post) How is it that everyone I know and even most of the people I don't know - for example the hundreds of diaries that bemoan this most recent election - are so anti-Republican and upset about all of the stuff going on (environtment, aborotion, human rights and foreign affairs) and yet the Republicans still won the election? It just doesn't seem possible. I know about three people who were sort of happy about the elections (my stepmother, my father and my mother - and you wondered why I moved to Seattle from Maryland. So far from home, you say. Exactly, I say.) How is all of this possible? How is all of this happening? I thought we the people were supposed to be controling our government.

I have to stop this now. Lets just think happy thoughts for a few minutes.

I went to the gym today. I wanted to do at least 45 minutes of something, so I got on the eliptical trainers. After about 10 minutes I was thinking maybe I'd just do 15 or 20. But I made it for the full 45! Yay for me! I promise not to bore you to death with any further tales of my gym-going experiences, unless something really good happens. I just wanted to celebrate my very first accomplishment. Yay!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I'll be giving thanks that work will be slow and the office will be quiet and I will get to listen to NPR as loud as I want and I will get home in time to still celebrate (2:30 or 3:00! Yay!). And, of course, there are the more reverent things to be thankful for. For example, presidents aren't allowed to have more than two terms in office.

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