i t z i e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

A Lean, Mean, Sewing Machine // 2002-11-10

Yesterday, I realized that I didn't have any food in my cabinet. Well, that's not quite true, but I didn't really have anything I could make. Unless, of course, you count some lentils, a jar of pasta sauce, and some olives. But, I didn't really feel like going out either. So I made biscuits. Yum. I'm really into baking lately. Something about winter makes me want to cook.

The Boy and Abby and I went out for sushi for dinner at Yoshinbo or whatever it's called. The Boy got the strangest food. He got some dinner deal that was essentially a giant tray of unidentifiable squishy things. One in particular kept our interest - it was a grey-ish purple-y potatoey oniony flavored thing. We played "guess what this is" with several of the items on his tray. I got straight sushi. And yes, I still call myself a vegetarian. I get sushi (mainly the vegetable ones) about once every two months. I've been a vegetarian for 8 years. I only started eating the occasional sushi (and then only the fish that come off the Monterey Bay Aquarium's approved list) this spring. It's easier that way - no one tries to feed you meat and you don't have to go into intimate detail about your diet.

We also went to see Secretary. I liked it.

When we got back to my place, all of my housemates were around and we all started talking about our future plans and stuff. It looks like, within the next year, Jess, Abby, Emilie, Becca, and Amy are all going to move away. That's all three of my housemates and two of my actual friends. As I've mentioned, I have friends and "friends." There are people with whom I bond and then there are people who are nice enough and I just sort of hang out with sometimes. So after all these guys move, I will have 2 friends and a bunch of "friends" left in Seattle. God, I hope Amy (of DC) moves out here. And Ben too.

The conversation also left me thinking about where I am right now. You know, I'm in the EXACT same position I was in at this time last year. I'm making the same plans and the same decisions about the same things. I'm thinking of changing jobs, I'm looking into the Peace Corps, and I'm still considering chasing after photography or an MSW. Nothing has changed. I feel a little bit pathetic.

Today The Boy and I went to estate sales. I'd never been to an estate sale before. I bought a 1940's sewing machine (that works) for only 50 cents. Of course, I took it home and promptly broke the needle. I also picked up a bunch of 1960's patterns for various Jackie O dresses. I also got a book by Gay Head on Ettiquette for Young Moderns (c)1954. And I picked up a really cool camera that has a roll of exposed film in it. I'm interested in developing it and seeing what comes out. It could be a real trip. All this for a grand total of $14. Ten of that was for the camera. I found the same sewing machine on ebay for an opening bid of $99.

So I told The Boy that I wanted some time on my own this weekend. And then after the sewing machine broke and I didn't feel like cleaning my room anymore and my other plans fell through, I ended up calling him all bored and stuff. Of course, he wasn't home because he was out having fun or something, I'm sure. But it all worked out because Emilie came home and made PIE! And I was also home in time to recieve a call from Amy (of Maine). And then we decided to rent videos and we had quite the evening at home.

I still feel like a pathetic git for missing The Boy so much. Sometimes he's so great to hang out with and other times, he's so blah about everything. Sometimes I really like having him around; other times, I wish I had more time to myself.

My apologies to my readers - all one of you, if that. This particular entry seems to truly be one of those entries I'm just writing for myself, trying to sort things out. I hope I'm not boring you. I hope I'm not saying inappropriate, embarassing things. I swear, I can write intelligent, interesting and appropriate entries. I can!

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