i t z i e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

Day on the Town // 2002-11-07

Cor, it's late.

After mourning the loss of Congress, I took myself out for a much-needed day on the town. The only bad thing about my current relationship with The Boy is that I get precious little time to myself. I had been perpetually single for YEARS before he came along, and I have sorely missed meandering around town, browsing some of the stores, looking for fun things to do, going to exhibits and movies. Well, that's not to say that The Boy and I don't do fun things together too - quite to the contrary! But I miss being able to WALK and set my own path and go where I want to go. The Boy always drives us places and he usually has an agenda - which too often involves shopping for XBox games (BLECH!!! - I TOLD you he was WAY different from me), DVD's, Music, and comic books and furniture. Not that it isn't interesting sometimes, but lately it just hasn't been my thing.

Anyway. I walked down to the CapitalHill.net cafe on Broadway and got my favorite sandwich - the Caprese (fresh mozzerella, pesto mayonaise, tomatoes, basil, perfect roll, and the most amazing pickle you'll ever taste). I also had pulled out all of my extra quarters that I don't need for laundry before I left the house (and didn't take any extras with me) so that I could buy an allotted number of homies without spending more than I intended. It's a good thing too, because I didn't get a single new one!!! And it's not like I have most of series four either - I just was terribly unlucky today. I'll just have to send them all to Amy (of DC).

Then I sauntered down to the Egyptian. It was absolutely pouring out. Seattle's winter began today. I wasn't wearing a rain jacket, nor did I have an umbrella or a hat. I was wearing my polar fleece (so embarassingly unhip and typical Seattle-style hippie of me) and a scarf. The scarf had turned to a wet dishtowel by the time I got to the theater. So anyway, I saw the matinee of Bowling for Columbine. I REALLY liked that film - to hell with the Stranger's review. Sean Nelson can bite me.

Then I hopped a bus downtown to go see the Do Ho Suh exhibit at the Seattle Art Museum. They also had an exhibit on Frida Kahlo and other Mexican artists. I spent a lot of time looking at that exhibit, which I hadn't intended to do. I'd just gone up to see the Do Ho Suh exhibit when they announced that the museum would be closing in ten minutes. I didn't realize that museums closed at 5PM. It seems awfully early to me. So I whipped through the Do Ho Suh exhibit. It was pretty awesome, though a tad small. I was expecting more things. I may have missed half of it though because I was rushing. I'm going back tomorrow, I think. It will be free since tomorrow is first Thursday.

So then I did a little shopping for more things to send Amy (in DC) and then hopped back up to Capitol Hill since I was supposed to go out with The Boy tonight. He cancelled. So I got dinner on my own, read some pie book, and then decided to walk down to Septieme and see if they had some pie. I ran into Lauren and Emilie on my way there. They were on their way back from Bowling for Columbine and were going to Dilletante for desert and asked me to come along. We had some good conversations - does playing hard-to-get really make men more interested in you as the book Emilie was reading says? This was a very funny conversation to be having with two lesbians. As if they should care about what would attract men! But we did try to figure out if it would work for women too - or if it would work more so for "butches" or "femmes" better. I think we decided that relationships are basicly like pendulums. When things swing too far one way, you try to pull them back - when they swing too close, you tend to push them away. The best, of course, is a balance. I once had a boyfriend who was DEFINITELY not hard to get. He was like a needy little puppy dog who was too eager to please me and too happy to see me all the time. I like boys who are like cats. Sometimes they're happy to see you and will cuddle up on your lap and sometimes they go sit in a windowsill and won't be bothered. And you don't have to walk cats either. They take care of their own shit.

I've been reading flashingreds and eweknorker's diaries tonight. I've been reading so many great female voices lately in diary-style that I'm starting to get them all mixed up. You see, I'm also reading American Pie: Slices of Life (and Pie) from America's Back Roads by Pascale Le Draoulec, which is basicly a book on pie in diary-style. So I've been reading reddirtgirl, ewenorker, flashingreds, and Pie - and now they're all scrambled together in my mind. Also, all this talk of the Midwest makes me think maybe it's not such a horrid place after all. I always think of it as a bleak, flat place where nothing ever happens - but maybe I should re-evaluate my coast-centric views.

I've got my vacation all scheduled. I'm going to have January 1 - 21st off this year. I'm planning to go on an Amtrak adventure. I figure I'll have plenty of time to read if I'm stuck on a train. I know it's not the best time of year to go Amtraking, but it's the time I have. I think I will visit Madison, WI, Ann Arbor, Dallas, and maybe Phoenix if I can figure out how. It seems to be relatively cheap for visiting so many cities. I hope they don't go bankrupt before then.

Yeesh. I think this is the latest I've stayed up in months. I must task tomorrow! Laundry! Clean room! Do Ho Suh! New running shoes? Cook soup! Get more photos developed! I need a taskmaster.

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