i t z i e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

Wrestle Maniac // 2003-09-11

Today is my fifth anniversary of moving to Seattle. It is also the second anniversary of something else.


I was going to leave work on time today, but my plans for the evening got cancelled, so I ended up staying late because I perpetually feel responsible to our families. Most of them are patient and quite appreciative, so it isn't all that bad.

So, when I didn't go out for the evening, I decided that I would just wander home and go to bed early... but I had forgotten that the Wrestle-Mania party had been rescheduled for tonight! I didn't invite anyone because I didn't think I was going to make it, but I did! We had some lovely theme-appropriate food such as Cheetos, Fritos, Green Jello with fruit bits, Kraft Mac N Cheese, Jiffy Pop and so on. The only problem with junk/80's themed food is that no one will touch it and now our house is going to be blessed with a giant box of Krispy Kremes (I can NOT bring myself to eat anything in which "cream" is spelled with a K - it makes it twenty times as gross). The Pabst did have a considerable dent made in it. AND most people dressed up in wrestling costumes! AND we actually did wrestle. AND unlike our normal parties, it wasn't just the Quaker Lesbian contingent! There were boys there! And straight girls! And lesbians too, of course. OH - also, I retired undefeated from the wrestling ring. I beat Detroit Jimmy's wife, Jane AND K. (one of the Quaker Lesbian Rugby players). I can flex my muscles proudly.

This was definitely the most fun party I have been to in ages.

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