i t z i e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

Juliet! When we made love, you used to cry... // 2003-07-14

There's something odd going on with the kitties in my neighborhood. First of all, there's some kind of Romeo/Juliet thing going on with the calico (Juliet) next door, the tabby (Romeo) from behind my house, and the black cat (papa Capulet?) from the basement apartment. At first, I just saw Juliet sitting there on the rooftop outside my window. My house is a bit higher than the house next door, so their rooftop is on level with my floor and my windows look right on onto it. There's also a tree right next to my window, between our houses. So anyway, I see a movement in the tree, and there's Romeo, mewing at Juliet and trying to decide if he can jump from the tree to the roof safely. Juliet looks forlornly at Romeo and mews. And then, I saw a movement on the ground. The big black cat from the basement apartment is pacing around at the bottom of Romeo's tree, stalking about in a real pissy mood. It was quite a scene.

I also have to say that Juliet is a real pervy cat. I was getting dressed the other day and she watched me the whole time, turning her head to follow me about the room. It was kind of unnerving.

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