i t z i e . d i a r y l a n d . c o m

A few remarks // 2003-01-30

Ok, so go back and read the final bit about Amtrak. I JUST added it.

And now a summary of this last week:

I turned in my notice at work very officially. Everyone was saying good-bye all week long. My office gave me an orchid as a going away present.

My last day was Tuesday. You couldn't have made a more Hollywood ending for my job at Group Health - I can finally say the name of the place I worked without fear of stalkers (yay!). That last day, I copied more charts than I ever have in one day while working there in the last two years. I had about 5 minutes for lunch. My final chart was about a foot thick, took two whole packages of paper plus some (about 1,250 pages long in other words) and took me 2 1/2 hours to copy. I ended up having to stay overtime to finish it. When I was done with it, I had to put it in one of those boxes that copier paper is delivered in because it was so big. (just for reference, most charts take me about a half an hour to disassemble and copy - the actual copying part usually takes about 10 minutes or so) It was definitely a record in our office for the biggest/longest chart ever done. Had it not been my last day, I'd have been very upset. But since it was my final chart, it was absolutely hilarious.

I didn't almost get hit at all coming home.

And now I have a dreadful 1 hour long bus commute to a Seattle suburb. It sucks. There is no other way to put it. I'm going to find a carpool or SOMETHING ASAP. I might even go so far as to buy a car. But I have an excellent job. It started today.

And in other news, Ben just got here today. He's out with a mutual college friend right now, but he's staying with me. I'm hoping he will move here someday. He likes it so far. He's already been asked out on a few dates on Broadway. Man, what I wouldn't give to be a gay man in this neighborhood. I'd definitely have more dates.

Oh and in other other news, The Boy and I came close to breaking up the night before last. It hasn't happened yet, but things don't look so good.

And Madame Dirt, I am not cooler than you! You win the cool contest by a mile!

Alright, so I should be better about updating now. In my defense, I have been working for the last 10 days in a row - ever since I got back from my trip - AND trying to prepare the house for a guest, AND trying to arrange things for the new housemate, AND trying to catch up on the 116 emails in my inbox (that arrived during my vacation). So don't give up on me yet!

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